Create new directory terminal

To create a new directory in the terminal, you can use the mkdir command followed by the name of the directory you want to create.

For example, to create a directory called "mynewdirectory", you would type:

mkdir mynewdirectory

And press enter.

You can also create a directory with a specific path by specifying the path after the mkdir command. For example, to create a directory called "mynewdirectory" in the "Documents" folder, you would type:

mkdir ~/Documents/mynewdirectory

The ~/ symbol represents your home directory, so this command would create the directory "mynewdirectory" in the "Documents" folder within your home directory.

You can also use the -p option with mkdir to create the directory and any parent directories that don't already exist. For example, to create a directory called "mynewdirectory" in the "path/to/parent/directory" directory, you would type:

mkdir -p path/to/parent/directory/mynewdirectory

This command would create the "mynewdirectory" directory and any parent directories that don't already exist, such as "path/to/parent/directory".