Create new control file oracle 11gr2

Here is an example of a new control file for Oracle 11gR2:

# Control File for Oracle 11gR2

# File name: init.ora
# Created on: [current date and time]

# Database name
db_name = "MYDB"

# Database character set
db_char = "AL32UTF8"

# National character set
nchar = "AL16UTF16"

# Default temporary tablespace
temp_tablespace = "TEMP"

# Default permanent tablespace
default_tablespace = "USERS"

# Control file location
control_files = ("init.ora", "control01.ctl", "control02.ctl")

# Archive log destination
log_archive_dest = "LOCATION=/oracle/archivelog"

# Redo log size
log_file_size = 100M

# Redo log groups
log_groups = 2

# Redo log members
log_members = 2

# Archive log mode
log_archive_mode = "FORCE"

# Flashback database
flashback_database = "ON"

# Flashback retention
flashback_retention = 7

# Undo management
undo_management = "AUTO"

# Undo retention
undo_retention = 900

# Database block size
db_block_size = 8192

# Database block heap size
db_block_heap_size = 1048576

# Database file multiplexing
file_multiplexing = "ON"

# Database file names
db_files = ("MYDB01.dbf", "MYDB02.dbf", "MYDB03.dbf")

# Database file sizes
db_file_sizes = (100M, 100M, 100M)

# Database file autoextend
db_file_autoextend = "ON"

# Database file autoextend size
db_file_autoextend_size = 10M

# Database file maxsize
db_file_maxsize = 1000M

# Oracle Net configuration
net_config = "LISTENER = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))"

# Oracle Net service name
net_service_name = "MYDB"

# Oracle Net service description
net_service_description = "MYDB Service"


Please note that this is just an example and you should adjust the parameters according to your specific Oracle database configuration and requirements.