Create new column based on split in r

You can create a new column in a dataframe in R based on a split using the str_split function from the stringr package. Here's an example:

# Load the stringr package

# Create a sample dataframe
df <- data.frame(id = 1:5, text = c("apple,banana,orange", "mango,kiwi,pear", "grape,watermelon,peach", "pineapple,apricot,plum", "cherry,blueberry,strawberry"))

# Split the text column into a new column
df <- df %>% 
  mutate(split_text = str_split(text, ",")) %>% 

# View the dataframe

In this example, the str_split function splits the text column into a list of strings, where each string is a word separated by commas. The unnest function from the tidyr package is used to convert the list of strings into separate rows.

The output will be:

  id      text     split_text
1  1  apple,banana,orange  [1] "apple"     "banana"    "orange" 
2  2  mango,kiwi,pear     [1] "mango"     "kiwi"      "pear"    
3  3 grape,watermelon,peach [1] "grape"     "watermelon" "peach"   
4  4 pineapple,apricot,plum [1] "pineapple" "apricot"    "plum"    
5  5  cherry,blueberry,strawberry [1] "cherry"    "blueberry" "strawberry"

You can also use the separate function from the tidyr package to split the text column into separate columns:


df <- df %>% 
  separate(text, into = c("fruit1", "fruit2", "fruit3"), sep = ",")


The output will be:

  id fruit1  fruit2    fruit3
1  1  apple  banana   orange
2  2  mango    kiwi     pear
3  3  grape watermelon    peach
4  4 pineapple apricot      plum
5  5  cherry blueberry strawberry