Create new cell shortcut

You can create a new cell shortcut in Microsoft Excel by using the "Assign Macro" feature. Here's how:

Step 1: Open the Visual Basic Editor

  1. Open your Excel workbook.
  2. Press Alt + F11 or navigate to Developer > Visual Basic in the ribbon.
  3. This will open the Visual Basic Editor.

Step 2: Create a new module

  1. In the Visual Basic Editor, click Insert > Module to create a new module.
  2. This will open a new window where you can write your code.

Step 3: Write the code

  1. In the new module, write the code that you want to run when you press the shortcut key. For example, you can write a simple code to select the entire row:

    Sub SelectRow()
    End Sub

    Step 4: Assign the shortcut key

  2. Go back to the Visual Basic Editor and click Tools > Customize > Keyboard.

  3. In the "Customize Keyboard" dialog box, select the "Macros" category.

  4. Click on the "New" button to create a new shortcut.

  5. In the "Macro name" field, enter the name of your macro (e.g. "SelectRow").

  6. In the "Shortcut" field, press the key combination you want to use (e.g. Ctrl + Shift + R).

  7. Click "Assign" to assign the shortcut.

Step 5: Save and close

  1. Save the module by clicking File > Save (or press Ctrl + S).
  2. Close the Visual Basic Editor by clicking File > Close (or press Alt + F4).

Now, when you press the shortcut key (e.g. Ctrl + Shift + R), the code will run and select the entire row.

Note: Make sure to save your workbook as a macro-enabled workbook (.xlsm) to use this feature.