Create new branch on remote

To create a new branch on a remote repository, you can use the following Git commands:

  1. Checkout to the remote branch:

    git checkout -t origin/<new-branch-name>

    Replace <new-branch-name> with the name of the new branch you want to create.

  2. Create a new branch:

    git branch <new-branch-name>

    This will create a new local branch with the same name as the remote branch.

  3. Push the new branch to the remote repository:

    git push origin <new-branch-name>

    This will create a new branch on the remote repository with the same name as the local branch.

Alternatively, you can use the following command to create a new branch and push it to the remote repository in one step:

git push origin --set-upstream <new-branch-name>

This will create a new branch on the remote repository and set the upstream tracking information for the local branch.

Note: Make sure you are in the correct directory and have the correct remote repository URL set in your Git configuration before running these commands.