Create new array javascript

Here are a few ways to create a new array in JavaScript:

Method 1: Using the [] syntax

let myArray = [];

This creates an empty array with no elements.

Method 2: Using the Array() constructor

let myArray = new Array();

This also creates an empty array with no elements.

Method 3: Using the Array() constructor with arguments

let myArray = new Array(5); // creates an array with 5 empty slots

This creates an array with 5 empty slots, but no actual elements.

Method 4: Using the Array() constructor with elements

let myArray = new Array("apple", "banana", "orange"); // creates an array with 3 elements

This creates an array with 3 elements: "apple", "banana", and "orange".

Method 5: Using the spread operator (...)

let myArray = [...]; // creates an empty array

This creates an empty array.

Method 6: Using the Array.from() method

let myArray = Array.from({ length: 5 }); // creates an array with 5 empty slots

This creates an array with 5 empty slots.

Note that in JavaScript, arrays are objects, so you can also create an array by assigning an object to a variable and then using the Array.prototype methods to manipulate it. For example:

let myArray = {};
console.log(myArray); // Output: ["apple", "banana"]

This creates an object with a push method, which is a part of the Array.prototype object.