Create new adsense account after disabled

The frustration of having an AdSense account disabled!

Don't worry, I'm here to help you create a new AdSense account. Before we begin, please note that Google has strict policies and guidelines that you must follow to maintain a healthy AdSense account. If your previous account was disabled due to policy violations, you may need to address those issues before creating a new account.

That being said, here's a step-by-step guide to help you create a new AdSense account:


  1. Ensure you have a valid Google account (Gmail or Google Workspace).
  2. Your website or YouTube channel must comply with AdSense policies.

Create a new AdSense account:

  1. Sign in to your Google account: Go to the Google account sign-in page and enter your email address and password.
  2. Access the AdSense sign-up page: Click on the "Sign up" button on the AdSense homepage.
  3. Choose your account type: Select "Website" or "YouTube" as your account type, depending on your content platform.
  4. Enter your website or YouTube channel information: Fill in the required fields, including your website URL, YouTube channel URL, or other relevant details.
  5. Verify your website or YouTube channel: Google will ask you to verify your website or YouTube channel ownership. You can do this by:
    • Adding a meta tag to your website's homepage.
    • Uploading an HTML file to your website's root directory.
    • Verifying your YouTube channel through the AdSense dashboard.
  6. Review and agree to AdSense terms: Carefully review the AdSense terms and conditions, then check the box to agree to them.
  7. Submit your application: Click the "Submit" button to submit your AdSense application.

After submitting your application:

  1. Wait for review: Google will review your application to ensure it meets their policies and guidelines.
  2. Receive a notification: If your application is approved, you'll receive an email notification with instructions on how to access your AdSense account.
  3. Set up your AdSense account: Follow the instructions to set up your AdSense account, including adding payment information and configuring your ad settings.

Tips to avoid account suspension or disablement:

  1. Comply with AdSense policies: Ensure your website or YouTube channel complies with AdSense policies, including those related to content, targeting, and user experience.
  2. Monitor your ad performance: Keep an eye on your ad performance and adjust your ad settings accordingly to avoid low-quality ad traffic.
  3. Respond to AdSense notifications: If you receive a notification from AdSense, respond promptly to address any issues or concerns.

By following these steps and tips, you should be able to create a new AdSense account and start monetizing your website or YouTube channel. Good luck!