Create new ad space

Here is a new ad space:

Ad Space Name: "Fresh Picks"

Ad Space Description: "Fresh Picks" is a new ad space that showcases the latest and greatest products, services, and trends in the market. Whether you're looking for something new to try or just want to stay ahead of the curve, "Fresh Picks" has got you covered.

Ad Space Dimensions: 300x250 pixels

Ad Space Placement: The ad space will be placed on the right-hand side of the page, just below the main content area.

Ad Space Frequency: The ad space will be refreshed every 30 minutes to ensure that users see the latest and greatest content.

Ad Space Targeting: The ad space will be targeted towards users who are interested in technology, lifestyle, and entertainment.

Ad Space Pricing: The ad space will be priced at $50 per day, with a minimum commitment of 3 days.

Ad Space Features:

Ad Space Benefits:

Ad Space Requirements:

Ad Space Terms and Conditions: