Create new account test cases
Here are some test cases for creating a new account:
Test Case 1: Successful Registration
- Preconditions: The user is not already registered on the website.
- Steps:
- The user navigates to the registration page.
- The user enters valid registration information (e.g. name, email, password, confirm password).
- The user clicks the "Register" button.
- Expected Result: The user is successfully registered and logged in to the website.
- Test Data:
- Name: John Doe
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: password123
- Confirm Password: password123
Test Case 2: Invalid Email
- Preconditions: The user is not already registered on the website.
- Steps:
- The user navigates to the registration page.
- The user enters invalid email information (e.g. no @ symbol, extra characters).
- The user clicks the "Register" button.
- Expected Result: An error message is displayed indicating that the email is invalid.
- Test Data:
- Email: invalidemail
- Password: password123
- Confirm Password: password123
Test Case 3: Weak Password
- Preconditions: The user is not already registered on the website.
- Steps:
- The user navigates to the registration page.
- The user enters a weak password (e.g. "password", "123456").
- The user clicks the "Register" button.
- Expected Result: An error message is displayed indicating that the password is too weak.
- Test Data:
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: password
- Confirm Password: password
Test Case 4: Password Mismatch
- Preconditions: The user is not already registered on the website.
- Steps:
- The user navigates to the registration page.
- The user enters a password and confirm password that do not match.
- The user clicks the "Register" button.
- Expected Result: An error message is displayed indicating that the password and confirm password do not match.
- Test Data:
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: password123
- Confirm Password: password456
Test Case 5: Existing Email
- Preconditions: The user is already registered on the website.
- Steps:
- The user navigates to the registration page.
- The user enters the email address of an existing user.
- The user clicks the "Register" button.
- Expected Result: An error message is displayed indicating that the email is already in use.
- Test Data:
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: password123
- Confirm Password: password123
Test Case 6: Missing Information
- Preconditions: The user is not already registered on the website.
- Steps:
- The user navigates to the registration page.
- The user leaves one or more required fields blank.
- The user clicks the "Register" button.
- Expected Result: An error message is displayed indicating that one or more required fields are missing.
- Test Data:
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: password123
- Confirm Password: password123 (leaving name field blank)
These test cases cover various scenarios to ensure that the registration process is working correctly. You can add or modify test cases as needed to cover additional scenarios or edge cases.