Create alexa news skill

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating an Alexa news skill:


  1. You have an Amazon Developer account.
  2. You have a basic understanding of programming and JSON.
  3. You have a news source or a list of news sources you want to integrate into your skill.

Step 1: Create a new skill

  1. Log in to your Amazon Developer account and go to the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) dashboard.
  2. Click on "Create Skill" and follow the prompts to create a new skill.
  3. Choose "News" as the skill type and give your skill a name, description, and icon.

Step 2: Define the skill's intent

  1. In the "Intents" section, define the intent of your skill. For a news skill, the intent is likely to be "Get news" or "Get news from [source]".
  2. Create a new intent by clicking on "Create Intent" and giving it a name, such as "GetNews".
  3. Define the intent's slots, which are the parameters that the user can provide to customize the response. For example, you might have a slot for the news source or the topic.

Step 3: Create the skill's response

  1. In the "Responses" section, define the response to the intent. For a news skill, the response will typically be a list of news articles or a summary of the latest news.

  2. Create a new response by clicking on "Create Response" and giving it a name, such as "GetNewsResponse".

  3. Define the response's structure using JSON. For example, you might have a JSON object with the following properties:

    "news": [
       "title": "News Article 1",
       "summary": "Summary of News Article 1",
       "url": ""
       "title": "News Article 2",
       "summary": "Summary of News Article 2",
       "url": ""

    Step 4: Integrate the news source

  4. Integrate your news source into your skill by using an API or web scraping to retrieve the latest news articles.

  5. Use the retrieved data to populate the response JSON object defined in Step 3.

Step 5: Test the skill

  1. Test your skill by saying "Alexa, open [skill name]" and then asking the skill to "Get news" or "Get news from [source]".
  2. Verify that the skill responds with the expected news articles or summary.

Step 6: Publish the skill

  1. Once you're satisfied with the skill's functionality, publish it to the Alexa Skills Store.
  2. Follow the prompts to submit your skill for review and approval.

Additional tips: