Create a new topic shortcort extention for phpbb

A new topic shortcut extension for PHPBB!

Here's a basic outline of how you can create one:

Step 1: Create a new PHP file

Create a new PHP file in the ext directory of your PHPBB installation, e.g., topic_shortcuts.php.

Step 2: Define the extension

In the new PHP file, define the extension by adding the following code:

* Topic Shortcuts Extension
* @package topic_shortcuts
* @author Your Name
* @version 1.0

class topic_shortcuts_extension extends phpbb_extension
    public function __construct($phpbb_container)
        // Initialize the extension

Step 3: Define the topic shortcut functionality

In the same PHP file, define the functionality for the topic shortcut extension. For example, you can add a new topic shortcut by creating a new method in the extension class:

public function topic_shortcuts()
    // Get the current topic ID
    $topic_id = $this->phpbb_container->get('topic_id');

    // Define the topic shortcuts
    $shortcuts = array(
        'shortcut1' => 'topic1',
        'shortcut2' => 'topic2',

    // Loop through the shortcuts and create a new topic if the shortcut is clicked
    foreach ($shortcuts as $shortcut => $topic_id) {
        if (isset($_GET[$shortcut])) {
            // Create a new topic with the specified ID

Step 4: Register the extension

In the ext directory, create a new file called topic_shortcuts.php and add the following code:

* Topic Shortcuts Extension
* @package topic_shortcuts
* @author Your Name
* @version 1.0

class topic_shortcuts_extension extends phpbb_extension
    public function __construct($phpbb_container)
        // Initialize the extension

    public function topic_shortcuts()
        // Define the topic shortcuts

// Register the extension
$phpbb_extension = new topic_shortcuts_extension($phpbb_container);

Step 5: Add the topic shortcut links

In the viewtopic_body.html template, add the following code to display the topic shortcut links:

<!-- Display the topic shortcut links -->
<div class="topic_shortcuts">
    {foreach from=$topic_shortcuts item=shortcut}
        <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="{topic_shortcuts_url.$shortcut}">{$shortcut}</a>

Step 6: Style the topic shortcut links

In the styles/prosilver/theme.css file, add the following code to style the topic shortcut links:

.topic_shortcuts a {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #00698f;

.topic_shortcuts a:hover {
    text-decoration: underline;
    color: #003366;

That's it! You've created a new topic shortcut extension for PHPBB.

Note: This is a basic example, and you'll need to customize the extension to fit your specific needs. Additionally, you may need to modify the PHPBB code to integrate the extension properly.