Create a new php.ini file inside your wordpress root

To create a new php.ini file inside your WordPress root, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new file

Using an FTP client (like FileZilla) or your hosting provider's file manager, create a new file inside your WordPress root directory (usually public_html or www).

Step 2: Name the file

Name the file php.ini. Make sure to save it with the correct file extension (php.ini, not php.ini.txt).

Step 3: Add settings

Open the php.ini file in a text editor (like Notepad or Sublime Text) and add the settings you want to configure. Here are some common settings you might want to adjust:

Here's an example of what the file might look like:

memory_limit = 256M
max_execution_time = 300
post_max_size = 64M
upload_max_filesize = 64M

Step 4: Save and upload

Save the php.ini file and upload it to your WordPress root directory using FTP or your hosting provider's file manager.

Step 5: Restart your web server

To apply the changes, you'll need to restart your web server. This will vary depending on your hosting provider or server setup. You can try restarting Apache or Nginx using the following commands:

Step 6: Verify the changes

After restarting your web server, you can verify that the changes have taken effect by checking your WordPress site's PHP settings. You can do this by:

Remember to be cautious when modifying PHP settings, as they can affect the performance and security of your WordPress site.