Create a new pgadmin password

To create a new password for a PostgreSQL user, including the default postgres user, you can use the psql command-line tool or the pgAdmin GUI tool.

Method 1: Using psql command-line tool

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.

  2. Connect to your PostgreSQL database using the psql command:

    psql -U postgres

    Replace postgres with the name of the user you want to change the password for.

  3. Once connected, use the \password command to change the password:

  4. Enter the new password when prompted, and then confirm it.

Method 2: Using pgAdmin GUI tool

  1. Open pgAdmin and connect to your PostgreSQL database.
  2. In the Object Browser, navigate to the Users node under the Databases node.
  3. Right-click on the user you want to change the password for and select Properties.
  4. In the Properties window, click on the Definition tab.
  5. Click on the Password field and enter the new password.
  6. Confirm the new password by entering it again.
  7. Click OK to save the changes.

Additional tips

Remember to update any scripts, applications, or services that rely on the old password to use the new password.