Create a new login role postgres

To create a new login role in PostgreSQL, you can use the following command:

CREATE ROLE new_role_name WITH PASSWORD 'password';

Replace new_role_name with the name you want to give to the new role, and password with the password you want to set for the role.

For example:

CREATE ROLE my_new_role WITH PASSWORD 'my_secret_password';

This will create a new role named my_new_role with the password my_secret_password.

You can also add additional options to the CREATE ROLE command to customize the role's behavior. For example:

Here is an example of creating a new role with some additional options:


This will create a new role named my_new_role with the password my_secret_password, and grant it superuser privileges, the ability to create new roles, and the ability to create new databases.

You can also use the ALTER ROLE command to modify an existing role. For example:

ALTER ROLE my_new_role WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';

This will change the password for the my_new_role role to new_password.

Note: You need to be a superuser (such as the postgres user) to create a new role in PostgreSQL.