Create a new free aol account

A blast from the past! Creating a new free AOL account is a bit of a process, but I'll guide you through it. Please note that AOL is no longer a popular email service, and you may not receive the same level of support or features as you would with a modern email provider.

Here's how to create a new free AOL account:

Step 1: Go to the AOL website

Open a web browser and navigate to

Step 2: Click on "Sign Up"

In the top right corner of the page, click on the "Sign Up" button.

Step 3: Choose your account type

You'll be presented with two options:

Choose "AOL Email" for a free account.

Step 4: Enter your personal information

Fill out the registration form with the following information:

Step 5: Agree to the terms and conditions

Read the AOL Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, then check the box to agree to them.

Step 6: Verify your account

AOL will send a verification email to the email address you created. Open the email and click on the verification link to activate your account.

Step 7: Set up your account

Once your account is activated, you'll be prompted to set up your account further:

That's it! You now have a new free AOL account. Keep in mind that AOL's free email service has some limitations, such as limited storage space and fewer features compared to paid email services.