Create a new folder on linux bash touch

To create a new folder on Linux using the touch command, you can't directly use touch as it is used to create a new empty file. Instead, you can use the mkdir command, which stands for "make directory".

Here's how you can create a new folder:

mkdir new_folder

This will create a new folder named new_folder in your current directory.

If you want to create a folder with a specific path, you can specify the path along with the folder name:

mkdir /path/to/new_folder

Replace /path/to/ with the actual path where you want to create the folder.

If the folder already exists, mkdir will not create a new one and will instead print an error message. If you want to create a new folder even if it already exists, you can use the -p option:

mkdir -p /path/to/new_folder

This will create the folder and all its parent directories if they do not exist.