Create a new dns server

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a new DNS server:

Hardware Requirements:

Software Requirements:

Step 1: Set up the Server

  1. Install the operating system on the server.
  2. Configure the network settings to use a static IP address.
  3. Install the necessary dependencies (e.g., bind9 or powerdns package).

Step 2: Install BIND (or PowerDNS)

  1. For BIND:
    • Install the bind9 package: sudo apt-get install bind9 (Ubuntu-based) or sudo yum install bind (RHEL-based).
    • Configure the BIND configuration file (/etc/bind/named.conf.options): set the listen-on directive to the IP address of the server.
  2. For PowerDNS:
    • Install the powerdns package: sudo apt-get install powerdns (Ubuntu-based) or sudo yum install powerdns (RHEL-based).
    • Configure the PowerDNS configuration file (/etc/powerdns/pdns.conf): set the listen-on directive to the IP address of the server.

Step 3: Configure the DNS Server

  1. Create a new zone file for the domain you want to manage (e.g.,
    • For BIND: create a new file in the /etc/bind directory (e.g.,
    • For PowerDNS: create a new file in the /etc/powerdns directory (e.g.,
  2. Configure the zone file:
    • Set the SOA (Start of Authority) record: IN SOA 3600 7200 604800 3600
    • Add the NS (Name Server) records: IN NS and IN NS (if you have a secondary DNS server).
    • Add the A (Address) records for the domain: IN A <IP address of the server>
    • Add any other necessary records (e.g., MX, TXT, or CNAME)

Step 4: Start the DNS Server

  1. Start the BIND service: sudo service bind9 start (Ubuntu-based) or sudo service bind start (RHEL-based).
  2. Start the PowerDNS service: sudo service powerdns start (Ubuntu-based) or sudo service powerdns start (RHEL-based).

Step 5: Test the DNS Server

  1. Use a tool like dig or nslookup to test the DNS server:
    • dig or nslookup should return the IP address of the server.
    • Verify that the DNS server is responding to queries by checking the DNS server logs.

Additional Tips:

Remember to replace with your actual domain name and with your actual name server hostname.