Create a new company choose an accounting period structure

Let's create a new company called "GreenTech Solutions" that specializes in developing and implementing sustainable energy solutions for homes and businesses.

Company Structure:

GreenTech Solutions will be a private limited company (Pty Ltd) with a fiscal year ending on December 31st. The company will have the following structure:

Accounting Period Structure:

GreenTech Solutions will follow a calendar year accounting period, with the following structure:

Key Accounting Dates:

Accounting Software:

GreenTech Solutions will use Xero accounting software to manage its financial transactions, track its expenses, and prepare its financial statements.


The company will engage an independent auditor, KPMG, to review its financial statements and provide an audit opinion on an annual basis.

This is just a basic outline, and the company may need to adjust its accounting period structure and key dates as it grows and evolves.