Create a new angular

Here are the steps to create a new Angular project:

Using the Angular CLI

  1. Install the Angular CLI by running the following command in your terminal:

    npm install -g @angular/cli
  2. Create a new Angular project by running the following command:

    ng new my-app

    Replace my-app with the name of your application.

  3. Follow the prompts to choose the project template and configuration options.

Using a code editor or IDE

  1. Open your preferred code editor or IDE (e.g. Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, etc.).

  2. Create a new directory for your project and navigate into it.

  3. Run the following command to create a new Angular project:

    ng new my-app

    Replace my-app with the name of your application.

  4. Follow the prompts to choose the project template and configuration options.

Project Structure

The new Angular project will have the following structure:


Here's a brief description of each file:

Getting Started

To get started with your new Angular project, follow these steps:

  1. Open the app.component.ts file and update the title property to set the title of your application.
  2. Open the app.component.html file and update the HTML content to create a basic UI for your application.
  3. Run the following command to start the development server:
    ng serve

    This will start the development server and open your application in a web browser.

That's it! You now have a new Angular project up and running.