Crappie js new boundary

A new boundary in Crappie.js!

In Crappie.js, a boundary is a way to define a specific range or threshold for a particular attribute or dimension. Boundaries are used to filter or segment data based on specific conditions.

Here's an example of how you can create a new boundary in Crappie.js:

const crappie = require('crappie');

// Create a new boundary
const boundary = crappie.boundary({
  name: 'HighValue',
  attribute: 'price', // attribute to filter on
  operator: 'gt', // operator to use (in this case, greater than)
  value: 100 // value to filter on

In this example, we're creating a new boundary called HighValue that filters on the price attribute. The boundary uses the gt operator (greater than) and filters on values greater than 100.

You can then use this boundary to filter your data:

const data = [...]; // your data array

const filteredData = crappie.filter(data, boundary);

This will return an array of data points that meet the condition specified by the HighValue boundary.

You can also create multiple boundaries and combine them using logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) to create more complex filtering conditions.

For example:

const boundary1 = crappie.boundary({
  name: 'HighValue',
  attribute: 'price',
  operator: 'gt',
  value: 100

const boundary2 = crappie.boundary({
  name: 'LowValue',
  attribute: 'price',
  operator: 'lt',
  value: 50

const combinedBoundary = crappie.combineBoundaries([boundary1, boundary2], 'and');

This creates a new boundary that filters on both conditions: price > 100 AND price < 50. You can then use this combined boundary to filter your data.