Covid 19 fccpc condemns insensitive price hike of sanitisers others

Here is a draft press release:


COVID-19: FCCPC Condemns Insensitive Price Hike of Sanitizers and Other Essential Items

Lagos, Nigeria - The Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) has condemned the recent price hike of sanitizers and other essential items in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Commission has received numerous complaints from consumers about the exorbitant prices being charged for sanitizers, face masks, and other essential items, which are critical in the fight against the spread of the virus.

"We are deeply concerned about the insensitive price hike of these essential items, which is exacerbating the suffering of Nigerians who are already grappling with the economic and social impacts of the pandemic," said the FCCPC Chairman, Mr. Babatunde Irukera.

The Commission has warned that such price hikes are not only unfair but also illegal, as they contravene the provisions of the Consumer Protection Council Act and the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Act.

"We will not hesitate to take enforcement action against any company or individual found to be engaging in price gouging or other anti-competitive practices," Mr. Irukera added.

The FCCPC has therefore called on all manufacturers, distributors, and retailers of sanitizers and other essential items to desist from price gouging and to ensure that their products are available at fair and reasonable prices.

The Commission has also urged consumers to report any instances of price gouging or other anti-competitive practices to the Commission's Consumer Protection Department.

"We will continue to monitor the market and take all necessary steps to protect the rights and interests of consumers during this challenging period," Mr. Irukera concluded.

Contact: Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission Consumer Protection Department Phone: 0803 555 5555 Email: [email protected]

Note: This is a draft press release and may require modifications to fit the specific needs and tone of the FCCPC.