Covid 19 23 suspected cases identified in 5 states ncdc

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a report from the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) about COVID-19 cases in Nigeria.

According to the report, 23 suspected cases of COVID-19 have been identified in 5 states in Nigeria. This is a significant development, as it indicates that the virus is spreading in the country.

Here are some key points from the report:

  1. Number of suspected cases: 23
  2. States affected: 5 (not specified which states)
  3. Status: Suspected cases, not confirmed cases

It's important to note that these are suspected cases, and the NCDC will need to conduct further testing to confirm whether they are indeed cases of COVID-19.

The NCDC has been working tirelessly to contain the spread of the virus in Nigeria, and this report highlights the importance of continued vigilance and cooperation from the public to prevent the spread of the virus.

I hope this information is helpful!