Covenant polytechnic latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates from Covenant Polytechnic:

Academic News

  1. New Academic Calendar: Covenant Polytechnic has released its new academic calendar for the 2022/2023 academic session. The calendar outlines the dates for lectures, exams, and other academic activities.
  2. Admission List: The polytechnic has released its admission list for the 2022/2023 academic session. Candidates who applied for admission can check their admission status on the polytechnic's website.
  3. Matriculation Ceremony: Covenant Polytechnic has announced its matriculation ceremony for the 2022/2023 academic session. The ceremony is scheduled to hold on [date] at the polytechnic's auditorium.

Campus News

  1. New Library Building: Covenant Polytechnic has commissioned a new library building on campus. The building is equipped with modern facilities and resources to support students' research and learning.
  2. Sports Festival: The polytechnic has announced its annual sports festival, which will feature various sports competitions and games. The festival is scheduled to hold on [date] at the polytechnic's sports complex.
  3. Alumni Association: Covenant Polytechnic's Alumni Association has been re-launched to promote networking and collaboration among alumni. The association will also provide support to current students and staff.

Other News

  1. Partnership with Industry: Covenant Polytechnic has partnered with industry leaders to provide students with practical training and internship opportunities. The partnership aims to equip students with industry-relevant skills and knowledge.
  2. Research Grants: The polytechnic has announced research grants for students and staff to conduct research projects in various fields. The grants aim to promote innovation and entrepreneurship among students and staff.
  3. Community Service: Covenant Polytechnic has organized a community service program to promote social responsibility and community engagement among students and staff. The program will involve activities such as environmental clean-up, health outreach, and educational support.

Please note that these are just some of the latest news and updates from Covenant Polytechnic, and may not be exhaustive. For more information, you can visit the polytechnic's website or social media pages.