Covenant men internation fellowhip new covenant church uk

It seems like you're looking for information about the Covenant Men International Fellowship and New Covenant Church in the UK. Here's what I found:

Covenant Men International Fellowship

The Covenant Men International Fellowship is a global Christian organization that aims to equip and empower men to live out their faith in their daily lives. The organization was founded in 1995 and has since grown to become a global movement with thousands of members across the world.

The fellowship is built around a series of principles, including:

  1. A commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
  2. A desire to live a life of obedience to God's Word
  3. A passion to share the Gospel with others
  4. A commitment to fellowship and community with other believers

The organization offers various resources and programs to help men grow in their faith, including conferences, small groups, and online studies.

New Covenant Church UK

New Covenant Church is a Christian church with multiple locations in the UK. The church was planted in 2004 and has since grown to become a vibrant community of believers.

The church's mission is to "know Christ and make Him known" and they aim to achieve this through a variety of ministries, including:

  1. Sunday services: The church has multiple Sunday services at different locations, which feature worship, teaching, and community.
  2. Small groups: The church has a range of small groups that meet throughout the week, which provide a sense of community and support for believers.
  3. Outreach: The church is involved in various outreach initiatives, including community projects and evangelism.
  4. Children's and youth ministries: The church has a range of programs and activities for children and young people, which aim to help them grow in their faith and develop their gifts.

New Covenant Church is affiliated with the Covenant Men International Fellowship and shares many of the same values and principles.

I hope this information is helpful!