Court sends student to 6 months imprisonment for stealing n40000

I think there may be a mistake here. It's highly unlikely that a court would sentence a student to 6 months imprisonment for stealing N40,000 (approximately $100 USD).

In Nigeria, the punishment for theft is typically a fine or a sentence of imprisonment, but the severity of the punishment depends on the circumstances of the case and the amount stolen. For example, the Theft Act of Nigeria states that:

In this case, the amount stolen is N40,000, which is more than N5,000, but less than N50,000. Therefore, the maximum punishment would be a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years.

However, it's important to note that the court's decision is not solely based on the amount stolen, but also on the circumstances of the case, the student's background, and the court's discretion.

It's also worth noting that 6 months imprisonment is a relatively short sentence, and it's possible that the court may have taken into account the student's age, academic status, and potential for rehabilitation when making its decision.

Without more information about the case, it's difficult to say for certain why the court made this decision. However, it's important to remember that the court's decision is final, and it's up to the student to appeal if they feel that the sentence is unfair.