Court remands shiites leader el zakzaky

I think you meant to say "Court remands Shiites leader, El-Zakzaky".

Yes, that's correct. According to reports, the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), also known as the Shiites, Ibrahim El-Zakzaky, was recently remanded in custody by a court in Nigeria.

El-Zakzaky has been in detention since 2015, when his followers clashed with the Nigerian army in Zaria, Kaduna State, leading to the deaths of several people, including some of his followers. He was subsequently arrested and charged with murder, culpable homicide, and other offenses.

The court's decision to remand El-Zakzaky in custody means that he will remain in detention while the case against him continues. The IMN has been calling for his release, claiming that he is being held illegally and that his detention is a violation of his human rights.

It's worth noting that the Nigerian government has accused El-Zakzaky and his followers of being a threat to national security and has banned the IMN as a terrorist organization. However, the IMN has denied any involvement in violence and has called for peaceful protests and demonstrations to demand El-Zakzaky's release.