Court orders oluwo to appear over assault

It seems like there's been a development in the case of Oluwo, a Nigerian monarch who was accused of assault.

According to reports, a court in Osun State, Nigeria has ordered Oluwo to appear before it to answer charges of assault. This comes after a video surfaced showing Oluwo allegedly assaulting a man, who is said to be a traditional chief, in a hotel in Osogbo, the state capital.

The court's order is a significant development in the case, as it means that Oluwo will now have to face the music and answer to the allegations against him. It's not clear yet what the consequences of the court's order will be, but it's likely that Oluwo will face a fine or even imprisonment if found guilty.

This incident has sparked a lot of controversy in Nigeria, with many people calling for Oluwo to be held accountable for his actions. The incident has also raised questions about the behavior of traditional rulers in Nigeria and the need for them to be held to a higher standard.

What do you think about this development? Should Oluwo be held accountable for his actions?