Court grants victor giadom access to operate as apc acting chairman pics

It appears that there has been a recent development in the political scene in Nigeria. According to reports, a court has granted Victor Giadom, a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC), access to operate as the acting chairman of the party.

Here are some key points about the development:

  1. Court ruling: A Federal High Court in Abuja has granted an interim injunction allowing Victor Giadom to operate as the acting chairman of the APC.
  2. APC crisis: The ruling comes amidst a crisis in the APC, with two factions vying for control of the party. The crisis has led to a power vacuum, with no clear leader at the helm.
  3. Giadom's claim: Giadom, who is a former Deputy National Secretary of the APC, claims that he is the rightful acting chairman of the party, citing a provision in the party's constitution.
  4. Rival faction: A rival faction, led by Mai Mala Buni, the current Governor of Yobe State, has also claimed the position of acting chairman.
  5. Implications: The court ruling could have significant implications for the APC, as it could pave the way for Giadom to take charge of the party's affairs and potentially resolve the crisis.

Here are some photos of the development:

[Insert photos of Victor Giadom, Mai Mala Buni, and other key figures in the APC crisis]

Please note that the situation is still unfolding, and more updates may be available as the story develops.