Court declines to sack saraki dogara others over defection

It appears you're referring to a recent news story. Here's a summary:

The Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) has declined to sack Senate President Bukola Saraki, Speaker of the House of Representatives Yakubu Dogara, and 52 other lawmakers who defected from their political parties.

The tribunal, in a ruling delivered on Wednesday, held that the lawmakers' defection did not amount to a breach of the Constitution or the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) Act.

The CCT had been petitioned by the All Progressives Congress (APC) to investigate the lawmakers over their defection from the APC to other parties. The petitioners argued that the lawmakers' defection was unconstitutional and a breach of the CCB Act.

However, the tribunal, in its ruling, held that the lawmakers' defection was a political decision that did not amount to a breach of the Constitution or the CCB Act.

The tribunal also held that the lawmakers' assets declaration forms were not affected by their defection, and therefore, there was no need to investigate them further.

The ruling is a major relief to the affected lawmakers, who had been facing the possibility of being sacked from office.