Course contents for news gathering and dissemination

Here is a suggested course outline for a course on News Gathering and Dissemination:

Course Title: News Gathering and Dissemination

Course Description: This course covers the principles and practices of news gathering and dissemination, including the role of journalists in a democratic society, news sources and research methods, writing and reporting techniques, and the ethics of news gathering and dissemination.

Course Objectives:

Course Contents:

Module 1: Introduction to News Gathering and Dissemination

Module 2: News Sources and Research Methods

Module 3: Writing and Reporting Techniques

Module 4: Ethics of News Gathering and Dissemination

Module 5: Technology and News Gathering and Dissemination

Module 6: News Dissemination and Distribution

Module 7: Case Studies and Group Projects

Module 8: Final Project and Course Wrap-Up


Recommended Readings:

Recommended Resources:

Note: This is just a suggested course outline and can be modified to fit the specific needs and goals of your course, students, and institution.