Cost of uber ohio to new york

The cost of an Uber ride from Ohio to New York can vary greatly depending on several factors, including:

  1. Starting location in Ohio (e.g., Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati)
  2. Destination in New York (e.g., New York City, Buffalo, Albany)
  3. Type of Uber service (e.g., UberX, UberPool, UberBlack)
  4. Time of day and day of the week
  5. Traffic and road conditions

That being said, here are some estimated costs for an Uber ride from Ohio to New York:

UberX (Basic Service)

UberPool (Shared Ride)

UberBlack (Luxury Service)

UberBlack SUV (Luxury SUV)

Please note that these estimates are based on average prices and may vary depending on the specific route, traffic, and other factors. It's always a good idea to check the estimated price before requesting a ride on the Uber app.