Cost of registering a new company nigeria cac

In Nigeria, the cost of registering a new company with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) varies depending on the type of company and the services required. Here are the current fees for registering a new company in Nigeria:

Company Registration Fees:

  1. Limited Liability Company (LLC):
    • Registration fee: N10,000 (approximately $27 USD)
    • Late registration fee (if registration is done after 60 days): N20,000 (approximately $54 USD)
  2. Private Limited Liability Company (PLLC):
    • Registration fee: N10,000 (approximately $27 USD)
    • Late registration fee (if registration is done after 60 days): N20,000 (approximately $54 USD)
  3. Public Limited Liability Company (PLLC):
    • Registration fee: N20,000 (approximately $54 USD)
    • Late registration fee (if registration is done after 60 days): N40,000 (approximately $108 USD)
  4. Business Name Registration:
    • Registration fee: N10,000 (approximately $27 USD)
    • Late registration fee (if registration is done after 60 days): N20,000 (approximately $54 USD)

Additional Fees:

  1. Certificate of Incorporation: N5,000 (approximately $14 USD)
  2. Certificate of Business Name: N5,000 (approximately $14 USD)
  3. Memorandum and Articles of Association: N5,000 (approximately $14 USD)
  4. Tax Clearance Certificate: N10,000 (approximately $27 USD)
  5. Stamp Duty: 0.5% of the company's authorized share capital (minimum N10,000, maximum N50,000)

Total Cost:

The total cost of registering a new company in Nigeria can range from N35,000 to N120,000 (approximately $95 to $324 USD), depending on the type of company and the services required.

Note: These fees are subject to change, and it's always best to check with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) or a registered agent for the most up-to-date information.