Cost of new engine for toyota prado in nigeria

The cost of a new engine for a Toyota Prado in Nigeria can vary depending on several factors such as the type of engine, the brand, and the location. Here are some approximate prices for new engines for Toyota Prado in Nigeria:

Toyota Prado 2.7L Petrol Engine

Toyota Prado 3.0L Diesel Engine

Toyota Prado 4.0L V6 Petrol Engine

Please note that these prices are approximate and can vary depending on the location, dealership, and other factors. It's also important to consider the cost of installation, which can range from N500,000 to N1 million (approximately $1,400 - $2,800 USD).

It's also important to note that installing a new engine may require additional work such as replacing other components, which can add to the overall cost.

I would recommend checking with local dealerships, mechanics, and online marketplaces to get a more accurate estimate of the cost of a new engine for your Toyota Prado in Nigeria.