Cosmic rays today 2020 bbc news

Here are some recent news articles from BBC News about cosmic rays in 2020:

  1. Cosmic rays: Mysterious particles from space detected in Antarctica (February 2020)

Scientists have detected a surge in cosmic rays, high-energy particles from space, in Antarctica. The increase is thought to be linked to a change in the Earth's magnetic field.

Source: BBC News - Science & Environment

  1. Cosmic rays: Mysterious particles from space could be from nearby star (March 2020)

Researchers have discovered a burst of cosmic rays that could be coming from a nearby star. The particles are thought to be accelerated by a powerful astrophysical process.

Source: BBC News - Science & Environment

  1. Cosmic rays: Scientists detect 'anomalous' particles from space (June 2020)

A team of scientists has detected unusual particles from space that don't fit the expected patterns of cosmic rays. The discovery could help us better understand the origins of these high-energy particles.

Source: BBC News - Science & Environment

  1. Cosmic rays: NASA's Parker Solar Probe finds 'cosmic wind' (July 2020)

NASA's Parker Solar Probe has detected a "cosmic wind" of high-energy particles streaming from the Sun. The discovery could help us better understand the solar wind and its impact on the Earth's magnetic field.

Source: BBC News - Science & Environment

  1. Cosmic rays: Scientists study 'cosmic rays' from distant galaxy (September 2020)

Researchers have detected cosmic rays from a distant galaxy, providing new insights into the origins of these high-energy particles. The study could help us better understand the role of galaxies in the universe.

Source: BBC News - Science & Environment

These articles provide a glimpse into the latest research and discoveries related to cosmic rays in 2020.