Cosmic rays today 2019 bbc news

Here are some articles from BBC News in 2019 related to cosmic rays:

  1. "Cosmic rays: Mysterious particles from space detected" (February 2019)

Scientists have detected a surge in cosmic rays, high-energy particles that bombard the Earth from space. The increase is not understood and has sparked concerns about the potential risks to astronauts and satellite technology.

Source: BBC News

  1. "Cosmic rays: Scientists discover source of mysterious particles" (June 2019)

Researchers have identified a massive galaxy cluster as the source of a mysterious type of cosmic ray. The discovery could help scientists better understand the origins of these high-energy particles.

Source: BBC News

  1. "Cosmic rays: NASA's Parker Solar Probe finds surprise in the sun's magnetic field" (July 2019)

NASA's Parker Solar Probe has detected a surprise in the sun's magnetic field that could help scientists understand the origins of cosmic rays. The probe is studying the sun's corona, the outer atmosphere of the sun.

Source: BBC News

  1. "Cosmic rays: Scientists detect 'ghost particles' from distant galaxy" (October 2019)

Researchers have detected "ghost particles" from a distant galaxy, which could help scientists understand the origins of cosmic rays. The particles, known as neutrinos, were detected by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole.

Source: BBC News

These articles provide an overview of some of the latest research and discoveries related to cosmic rays in 2019.