Cosmic rays bbc news 2018

Here are some articles from BBC News in 2018 related to cosmic rays:

  1. Cosmic rays: The mysterious particles that bombard Earth (March 2018)

This article discusses the discovery of a new type of cosmic ray, which is a high-energy particle that originates from outside the solar system. Scientists are still unsure what causes these particles to be emitted, but they are thought to be related to supernovae explosions.

Source: BBC News

  1. Cosmic rays may have caused ancient human migrations (June 2018)

This article reports on a study that suggests that changes in the intensity of cosmic rays may have influenced the migration patterns of early humans. The study found that periods of high cosmic ray activity may have led to increased radiation exposure, which could have driven humans to move to lower-altitude areas.

Source: BBC News

  1. Cosmic rays could be used to create new medical treatments (September 2018)

This article discusses research into the potential medical applications of cosmic rays. Scientists are exploring the use of cosmic rays to create new forms of radiation therapy for cancer treatment, as well as to develop new medical imaging techniques.

Source: BBC News

  1. Cosmic rays: The mystery of the 'killer' particles (November 2018)

This article explores the risks posed by cosmic rays to both humans and electronic devices. While the risks are relatively low, scientists are working to better understand the effects of cosmic rays on our technology and to develop ways to mitigate them.

Source: BBC News

I hope these articles are helpful!