Cosmic rays bbc news 2016

Here are a few articles from BBC News in 2016 related to cosmic rays:

  1. "Cosmic rays: Mysterious particles from space" (March 2016)

This article discusses the discovery of a new type of cosmic ray, which is a high-energy particle that originates from outside the Earth's atmosphere. The article explains that scientists are still unsure what causes these particles to be emitted from space, but they are thought to be related to supernovae explosions or the acceleration of particles in the vicinity of black holes.

Source: BBC News, March 2016

  1. "Cosmic rays: Scientists detect 'most intense' burst" (June 2016)

This article reports on a study that detected a massive burst of cosmic rays, which is the most intense ever recorded. The burst was detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina, which is a large-scale detector of high-energy particles. The article explains that scientists are still unsure what caused the burst, but it is thought to be related to a nearby supernova or the acceleration of particles in the vicinity of a black hole.

Source: BBC News, June 2016

  1. "Cosmic rays: Mysterious particles may come from nearby galaxy" (October 2016)

This article discusses a study that suggests that some cosmic rays may originate from the nearby Andromeda galaxy, which is the largest member of the Local Group of galaxies that includes the Milky Way. The article explains that scientists used data from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station to analyze the composition of cosmic rays and found that some of them have a unique signature that is consistent with their origin from the Andromeda galaxy.

Source: BBC News, October 2016

These articles provide a good overview of the latest research and discoveries related to cosmic rays, which are an important area of study in astrophysics and cosmology.