Corresponding news praticals

Here are some common news practices that correspond to various news formats:

Print News

  1. Headline: A concise and attention-grabbing title that summarizes the main story.
  2. Lead: The opening paragraph that sets the tone and provides essential information about the story.
  3. Body: The main content of the article, providing more details and context about the story.
  4. Subheadings: Smaller headings that break up the article and provide additional context.
  5. Quotes: Direct quotes from sources, often used to add depth and perspective to the story.
  6. Statistics: Numbers and data used to support the story and provide additional context.

Online News

  1. Meta description: A brief summary of the article that appears in search engine results.
  2. Title tag: The title of the article that appears in the browser tab and search engine results.
  3. Header tags: HTML tags used to structure the article and provide a clear hierarchy of information.
  4. Image captions: Brief descriptions of images used in the article.
  5. Social media sharing buttons: Buttons that allow readers to share the article on social media platforms.
  6. Related articles: Links to other articles that are relevant to the current story.

Broadcast News

  1. Intro: A brief introduction that sets the tone and provides context for the story.
  2. Package: A self-contained segment that includes a narrative, interviews, and visuals.
  3. Cutaway: A brief visual or audio segment that breaks up the package and provides additional context.
  4. Live shot: A live report from the field, often used to provide real-time updates on a story.
  5. Graphics: Visual elements used to illustrate the story, such as maps, charts, and statistics.
  6. Tease: A brief preview of an upcoming story or segment.

Podcast News

  1. Intro music: A brief musical introduction that sets the tone for the podcast.
  2. Host introduction: A brief introduction by the host that sets the tone and provides context for the episode.
  3. Segment: A self-contained section of the podcast that focuses on a specific topic or story.
  4. Interviews: Conversations with experts or sources that provide additional context and perspective.
  5. Soundbites: Brief audio clips used to illustrate the story or provide additional context.
  6. Outro music: A brief musical conclusion that wraps up the episode.

Video News

  1. Intro: A brief introduction that sets the tone and provides context for the story.
  2. Narrative: A spoken narrative that provides context and explains the story.
  3. Visuals: Images, videos, and graphics used to illustrate the story.
  4. Interviews: Conversations with experts or sources that provide additional context and perspective.
  5. B-roll: Additional footage used to provide context and illustrate the story.
  6. Closing shot: A final visual or audio element that wraps up the story.

These are just some common news practices that correspond to various news formats. The specific practices may vary depending on the outlet, style, and audience.