Coronavirus yobe establishes 20 bed capacity isolation centre

According to reports, the Yobe State Government has established a 20-bed capacity isolation centre to manage cases of COVID-19 in the state.

The isolation centre, located in Damaturu, the state capital, is equipped with necessary medical facilities and staffed by healthcare professionals to provide quality care to patients.

The establishment of the isolation centre is a proactive measure by the state government to contain the spread of the virus and provide a safe environment for patients to receive treatment.

The centre is also equipped with oxygen therapy, laboratory facilities, and other essential medical equipment to manage patients with severe cases of COVID-19.

The Yobe State Government has also put in place measures to prevent the spread of the virus, including the enforcement of social distancing, wearing of face masks, and regular handwashing.

The establishment of the isolation centre is a significant step towards ensuring the health and well-being of the people of Yobe State, and it is hoped that it will help to reduce the spread of the virus and prevent further cases.

Here are some key points about the isolation centre: