Coronavirus white house concedes us lacks enough test kits

On February 29, 2020, the White House acknowledged that the United States lacks sufficient test kits to detect the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. This admission came as the number of confirmed cases in the country continued to rise.

According to reports, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had initially distributed around 1,000 test kits to state and local health departments, but these kits were found to be faulty and unable to accurately detect the virus. As a result, many suspected cases were not being confirmed, and the true extent of the outbreak was not being fully understood.

The White House's concession came after a meeting between President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and other top officials to discuss the country's response to the outbreak. During the meeting, it was revealed that the CDC had been working to develop new test kits, but they were not yet available.

The lack of test kits has been a major challenge in the US response to the outbreak, as it has made it difficult to identify and track cases, as well as to determine the extent of the outbreak. The CDC has since developed new test kits, and the number of confirmed cases in the US has continued to rise.

Here are some key points from the White House's concession:

  1. The US lacks sufficient test kits to detect the coronavirus.
  2. The CDC had initially distributed around 1,000 test kits, but they were found to be faulty.
  3. The CDC is working to develop new test kits, but they are not yet available.
  4. The lack of test kits has made it difficult to identify and track cases, as well as to determine the extent of the outbreak.
  5. The White House is working to increase the availability of test kits and to improve the country's response to the outbreak.

Overall, the White House's concession highlights the challenges the US is facing in responding to the coronavirus outbreak, and the need for increased testing capacity to effectively track and contain the spread of the virus.