Coronavirus when will buhari address nigerians pdp asks

It appears you're referring to the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria and the President's address to the nation.

As of my knowledge cutoff, President Muhammadu Buhari has not announced a specific date for addressing the nation on the coronavirus pandemic. However, he has been actively engaging with the public through various channels, including social media and press conferences, to provide updates on the government's response to the pandemic.

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has indeed been calling for the President to address the nation on the matter, citing concerns about the spread of the virus and the need for a comprehensive plan to combat it.

It's worth noting that the Nigerian government has been taking steps to contain the spread of the virus, including implementing measures such as lockdowns, travel restrictions, and increased testing. The President's address, whenever it may come, is likely to provide further updates on the government's strategy and any new measures that may be implemented.

I'll do my best to keep you updated on any developments regarding the President's address.