Coronavirus viewing center operators lament low patronage

I think there may be a bit of a contradiction in the title. Coronaviruses are a type of virus that causes COVID-19, and it's unlikely that there are "viewing centers" that operate to show coronaviruses. However, I'm assuming you meant to say that there are viewing centers or exhibition spaces that provide information and updates on the COVID-19 pandemic, and the operators of these centers are lamenting low patronage.

Here's a rewritten title:

"COVID-19 information center operators lament low patronage"

And here's a possible article:

Operators of COVID-19 information centers and viewing spaces are expressing concern over the low number of visitors they are receiving. These centers, which provide updates and information on the pandemic, were initially set up to help the public stay informed and educated about the virus.

However, with the widespread availability of information online and the gradual reopening of economies, many of these centers are struggling to attract visitors. "We used to get a steady stream of people coming in to get updates and ask questions," said Jane Smith, manager of a COVID-19 information center in a major city. "But now, it's like people have lost interest. We're not getting the foot traffic we used to get."

The decline in patronage is not limited to any one region or country. Centers in Asia, Europe, and the Americas are all reporting similar trends. "It's not just a matter of people being less interested in COVID-19," said Dr. John Doe, a public health expert. "It's also a matter of people feeling more confident that the pandemic is under control, and therefore, they don't need to seek out information as much."

Despite the challenges, many center operators are determined to continue providing valuable information and resources to the public. "We know that COVID-19 is still a major threat, and people need to stay informed," said Smith. "We're going to keep doing what we're doing, even if it means we have to get creative to attract visitors."

In the meantime, center operators are exploring new ways to engage with the public, such as hosting webinars, creating social media campaigns, and partnering with local businesses to provide information and resources.