Coronavirus twitter tells staff to work from home

It seems like Twitter is taking proactive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of its employees amidst the COVID-19 pandemic!

According to reports, Twitter has instructed its staff to work from home (WFH) effective immediately, citing concerns about the spread of the coronavirus. This decision is likely a precautionary measure to minimize the risk of infection and maintain a safe working environment for its employees.

As a global platform with a large workforce, Twitter's decision to adopt a remote work arrangement is a significant step in prioritizing employee health and safety. By allowing staff to work from the comfort and safety of their own homes, Twitter is reducing the risk of transmission and promoting a healthier work environment.

It's worth noting that this decision may also have implications for Twitter's operations and customer support, as employees will need to adapt to working remotely and find ways to maintain communication and collaboration with colleagues.

What do you think about Twitter's decision to work from home? Do you think more companies should follow suit to prioritize employee safety during the pandemic?