Coronavirus tff calls off tanzania league after first case

The Tanzanian Football Federation (TFF) has indeed called off the Tanzanian Premier League after the country reported its first case of the coronavirus.

According to reports, the decision was made after a player from the Simba SC team tested positive for COVID-19. The player, who has not been named, is currently undergoing treatment and is in isolation.

The TFF has suspended all football activities in the country, including the Tanzanian Premier League, until further notice. This decision was made to prevent the spread of the virus and to ensure the safety of players, officials, and fans.

The Tanzanian government has also taken measures to contain the spread of the virus, including restricting travel and gatherings, and increasing surveillance and testing.

It's worth noting that Tanzania has been one of the few African countries that had not reported any cases of COVID-19 until now. The country's health minister, Ummy Mwalimu, had previously stated that the country was not prepared to deal with a pandemic, and that the government was taking measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

The suspension of the Tanzanian Premier League is a significant development in the country's response to the pandemic, and it highlights the importance of taking proactive measures to prevent the spread of the virus.