Coronavirus re exported to china by travellers

Yes, there have been cases of COVID-19 being re-exported to China by travelers who had recently visited countries where the virus was still present.

In the early stages of the pandemic, China had largely brought the virus under control through strict lockdowns, travel restrictions, and other public health measures. However, as international travel resumed and people began to move around the world again, there was a risk that the virus could be reintroduced to China.

In recent months, there have been several instances of COVID-19 being re-exported to China by travelers who had recently visited countries where the virus was still present. For example:

In response to these cases, Chinese authorities have taken steps to strengthen their public health measures, including:

Overall, while the risk of COVID-19 being re-exported to China by travelers is a concern, Chinese authorities have taken steps to mitigate this risk and protect public health.