Coronavirus prince charles avoids handshake video

You're referring to the video of Prince Charles avoiding a handshake with a dignitary during a meeting in Scotland, which sparked concerns about his potential exposure to the coronavirus.

The incident occurred on March 12, 2020, during a meeting between Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, and the Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. As they greeted each other, Prince Charles opted not to shake hands, instead opting for a slight bow and a nod.

The decision to avoid the handshake was reportedly made as a precautionary measure, given the growing concerns about the spread of COVID-19 at the time. Prince Charles, who is 71 years old, is in a higher-risk category for severe illness from the virus due to his age.

The incident was widely reported in the media, with many outlets speculating about the potential implications for the royal family and the British government's response to the pandemic.

It's worth noting that Prince Charles has since tested positive for COVID-19, and has been self-isolating at his home in Scotland. His wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, has also tested positive for the virus.

The incident has highlighted the importance of taking precautions to prevent the spread of the virus, even among high-profile individuals.