Coronavirus president xi visits wuhan to signal control of outbreak

I think there may be some inaccuracies in your statement. Here's a correction:

President Xi Jinping did visit Wuhan, the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak, but not to "signal control of the outbreak". In fact, the Chinese government was criticized for its initial response to the outbreak, which was slow and secretive.

President Xi Jinping visited Wuhan on March 10, 2020, after the city had been under lockdown for several weeks. The visit was seen as a symbolic gesture to show support for the city and its people, as well as to boost morale and confidence in the government's handling of the crisis.

At the time, the outbreak was still spreading rapidly, and the Chinese government was facing international criticism for its handling of the crisis. The visit was seen as an attempt to show that the government was taking the outbreak seriously and was committed to containing it.

It's worth noting that the Chinese government's initial response to the outbreak was criticized for being slow and secretive, which allowed the virus to spread further than it might have otherwise. The government was also accused of covering up the severity of the outbreak and downplaying its risks.

In the months that followed, the Chinese government implemented a range of measures to contain the outbreak, including lockdowns, travel restrictions, and mass testing. These measures were successful in slowing the spread of the virus, and China was eventually able to bring the outbreak under control.

I hope this clears up any inaccuracies in your statement!