Coronavirus outbreak edo govt sensitises residents on disease urges calm

Here is a rewritten version of the text in a more formal and professional tone:


The Edo State Government has taken proactive measures to inform and educate residents on the coronavirus outbreak, emphasizing the need for calm and cooperation in the face of the global health crisis.

In a bid to contain the spread of the disease, the government has launched a sensitization campaign, which includes public awareness programs, community outreach, and educational materials. The campaign aims to educate residents on the symptoms, transmission, and prevention of the virus, as well as the importance of personal hygiene and social distancing.

The government has also urged residents to remain calm and not to panic, emphasizing that the state is well-equipped to respond to the outbreak. "We are taking all necessary measures to prevent the spread of the virus and protect the health and well-being of our citizens," said a government spokesperson.

Residents are advised to follow simple precautions such as washing their hands frequently with soap and water, avoiding close contact with people who are sick, and avoiding touching their faces. The government has also set up isolation centers and is working closely with healthcare professionals to monitor and treat suspected cases.

The Edo State Government is committed to keeping residents informed and updated on the situation, and is urging everyone to stay vigilant and cooperate with the efforts to contain the outbreak.