Coronavirus numbers of some passengers on plane with italian patient unreachable

You're referring to the recent news about the COVID-19 outbreak on a flight from Italy to China.

According to reports, a passenger on the flight from Milan to Wuhan, China, tested positive for COVID-19 upon arrival in Wuhan on January 21. The passenger, an Italian citizen, was reportedly showing symptoms of the virus before boarding the flight.

As a result, Chinese authorities have been trying to contact and track down the other passengers on the flight to determine if they may have been exposed to the virus. However, it appears that some of the passengers' contact information is unreachable, making it difficult for authorities to reach out to them.

According to a report by the South China Morning Post, the Chinese authorities have been trying to contact over 100 passengers who were on the same flight as the Italian patient, but many of them have not been reachable. The report states that some passengers may have used fake or incomplete contact information, while others may have changed their phone numbers or moved to different locations.

The Chinese authorities are taking steps to try to locate and contact the unreachable passengers, including using social media and other online platforms to reach out to them. They are also working with Italian authorities to gather more information about the passengers and to coordinate their efforts to track down the unreachable individuals.

It's worth noting that the Chinese authorities have been taking swift and decisive action to contain the spread of the virus, including implementing strict quarantine measures and conducting widespread testing. So far, there have been no reported cases of the virus spreading from the flight to other passengers or to the general public.