Coronavirus nigeria index case now tests negative

I'm glad to hear that!

According to reports, the index case of the coronavirus in Nigeria, a 31-year-old Italian national who was the first person to test positive for the virus in the country, has now tested negative.

This is a significant development, as it suggests that the individual has recovered from the infection and is no longer contagious. The news is a relief for the Nigerian government, healthcare workers, and the general public, who had been monitoring the situation closely.

The index case was reported on February 27, 2020, and the individual was admitted to a hospital in Lagos State, Nigeria's commercial capital. The patient was treated and isolated, and contact tracing was conducted to identify and monitor anyone who may have come into contact with them.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and other global health authorities had been closely monitoring the situation in Nigeria, and the country had taken several measures to prevent the spread of the virus, including restricting travel, increasing surveillance, and enhancing infection control measures.

The news of the index case testing negative is a positive development, and it is hoped that it will help to alleviate concerns about the spread of the virus in Nigeria. However, it is still important for the public to remain vigilant and follow recommended precautions to prevent the spread of the virus.

I'll keep an eye on further updates on this story and provide more information as it becomes available!